应用程序时间 & 最后期限

申请只在我们的申请期间有效. 我们只接受申请 在以下时间在线填写和提交:

  • 3月1日- 4月1日: 入学 到程序中 will begin with the first courses in the Fall semester.

所有材料必须在截止日期前收到. 申请表和成绩单 晚不接受.

Please review the updated information on how to submit your official high school 和 通过点击“如何申请”选项卡获取大学成绩单.

Please periodically return to this page for updates 和 announcements about the Dental PCC的卫生计划.  

Adrine Reganian, rdhp, BSDH, MSHS,项目总监,博士. Micah Young, m.s.D,院长 健康科学



  1. To be a c和idate for the 口腔卫生 Program, you must have the ability to communicate safely, accurately, 和 effectively in both written 和 spoken English. 加强 success, students who have English as a second language are encouraged to enroll in 演讲3,121和/或125,以及健康科学115.
  2. 所有的先决条件课程必须在申请前完成. 正在进行的工作是 不接受.
    Some prerequisite courses including upper-division courses completed at another institution may require a "Prerequisite Clearance/Placement/Challenge Online form". 如果你有 taken courses 和 you are unsure if they are transferable or equivalent to prerequisite requirements it is your responsibility to determine course equivalency prior to applying 到程序中.
  3. The PCC 口腔卫生 Program does not accept transfer students from other Dental 卫生项目.
  4. 退伍军人就业法案
    根据退伍军人就业法案(JVA),符合条件的美国.S. 退伍军人和符合条件的配偶, discharged under conditions other than dishonorable 和 who have met the requirements 该项目将在招生过程中优先考虑.


As an applicant to the 口腔卫生 program, you will be contacted by email 和 a phone call 和 informed of acceptance status as well as information regarding the 这个过程的下一步. 在候补名单上的位置不能保证被录取 接下来的一年. 所有未被录取的候补学生必须 重新申请.

The following courses must be completed prior to applying for admission 到程序中. “In Progress” work for the prerequisites 将不予考虑 during the selection 过程.

The required prerequisites are requirements of the 口腔卫生 Board of California consistent with requirements for admission of all DH Students effective April 2022. 

解剖学25 & 生理1 -人体解剖学(4个单元) & 人体生理学(4个单元)
化学2A(4个单元) & 2B(4个单位)-一般,有机 & 生物化学 
微生物学2 -微生物学(4个单元)
营养学11 -人类营养学(3个单元)
英语1A -阅读 & 作文(4个单元)
心理学1 -心理学入门(3个单元)
社会学1 -社会学导论(3个单元)
Speech 1 - Fundamentals of Speech (3 units) OR  Speech 10 Interpersonal 通讯(3个单元)


In addition, all students must be eligible to receive an associate degree in dental hygiene upon completion of the program in order to be licensable in the State of California. As such you will need to complete the above course work in addition to satisfying one of the approved general educational patterns of the college to be eligible to 被授予副学士学位.

Intersegmental General Education 转移 Curriculum (IGETC) General Education Pattern 

Additionally, acceptance in到程序中 may also be based on the outcome of a criminal 背景调查. 所有必修课程的成绩必须达到C或更高. 所有申请者的总平均成绩必须达到3分.在必修课程中取得0分或以上成绩 in order to be considered for acceptance into the dental hygiene program.

Applicants are admitted 到程序中 using a r和om selection method following all 适用的州和联邦法律.



To apply to the 口腔卫生 program you need to submit an application which includes:

  • 一个完整的 口腔卫生 Program 应用程序 (available online during the application cycle 唯一的)
  • 高中或同等学历的正式成绩单 所有的你.S. 就读的学院和大学,包括最靠谱的十大棋牌游戏*
    *如果你有 foreign transcripts, please read our information on how to have your 成绩单评估.

Be aware that unofficial transcripts 和 photocopies of diplomas are not acceptable 和 incomplete applications 将不予考虑 in the selection 过程. 如果你 are accepted in到程序中, the college’s 招生 和 记录 Office will also 要求官方成绩单.

2   递交申请

在线提交完整的申请. 申请,成绩单和支持 文档 必须 在截止日期前由部门办公室接收.


3  提交成绩单

Once your online 口腔卫生 application has been submitted, you will receive a form sent to your 最靠谱的十大棋牌游戏 email account to securely upload your high 中学和大学成绩单.

一份由经认可的美国学校出具的官方成绩单.S. 高中学历(或GED或同等学历) Report) 和 each college attended (this includes an Advanced Placement report from the College Board 和 PCC transcripts) must be opened, scanned, 和 uploaded as a PDF. This means your official transcript must be received by you through postal or 电子邮件. 一旦你打开成绩单,它就是你的个人记录. 当 uploading your transcripts, formats such as JPEG, GIF, BMP, TIF, screenshot, word 文件等. 将不予考虑. 所有的大学成绩单都必须提供 如果课程作业不适用该计划.

Create a 文件夹 on your desktop 和 place all of your required transcripts into the 文件夹. 当 you upload your transcripts, you must have all of your transcripts files 在文件夹中. 上传后,多个文件将合并为一个文档 你的文件.

A confirmation email will be sent to your PCC email account when your transcripts 已收到.


  • Open your official transcripts that you will be uploading to the application
  • Scan the official transcripts using a device such as a printer or scanner
  • Follow the scanner manufacturer's directions to scan each document to your computer 或u盘
  • 扫描前选择PDF文件格式选项. 只有PDF格式的成绩单 和其他证明文件将被接受. JPEG、GIF、BMP、TIF、 截图、word文档等. 会否被纳入申请程序.
    Save your PDF document to a 文件夹 in a location on your computer or removable drive that you can easily access (Desktop or Documents 文件夹 is suggested)

NOTE: Students who do not have access to a personal scanner may choose to use a commercial copying center to have their required 文档 scanned 和 made into PDFs that then 可以作为申请的一部分上传吗.


The 健康科学 Division will inform you of the status of your application by 提交所有所需文件后发送电子邮件.


  1. 完成最靠谱的十大棋牌游戏的入学申请.
  2. 完成健康检查. 临床/实验室教学开始于第一周 (表格将会提供)
  3. Submit a copy of a current American Heart Association 健康 Care Provider BLS card (必须包括实际操作部分).
  4. 购买学生医疗事故保险期间第一
    这学期的口腔卫生课程. 十大靠谱棋牌游戏保险的其他信息 will be addressed through the Student California 口腔卫生 Association
  5. You must provide your own transportation to off-campus clinical sites.


如果你 are a student with foreign transcripts, you must have your 成绩单评估 在申请前由以下三家公司之一提供:

(310)-258-9451 | www.ierf.org

(310)-275-3530 | http://www.acei-global.org/application-for-evaluation

(626)-339-4404 | www.aerc-eval.com